Tea Time and Magnolias

Today there is rain and low hanging fog banks. There are puddles on the ground and drops collecting on the eaves. The birds are singing and fluttering about the trees. The air is clean and cool and heavy with the smell of good earth. I have longed for these things. Our poor state has longed for these things, as we have not had rain for what feels like a year. But it is back! And has been steady for the past few days. In honor of the thrill of moisture back in the air, I have taken the dog on several long rain walks. We bundled up and roamed the town just for the feel of the drops on our faces. We stood and watched birds, or just paused silently to enjoy the softness of the sounds about. We smelled the good smells and splashed the muddy waters along the embankments.

And now, everyone is dry and curled up in the warm house. Dog is curled up in her bed asleep, and I am perched at the dining room table with a view of outside, a cat in my lap, and a warm

Imagepot of tea. I made some brownies, which are now baking in the oven, and the smell wafts through the house. There is something so wonderful about enjoying the rain from inside. The soft pitter patter on the roof, the diffused grey glow that seems to warm the light. It is all very cozy and romantic. And, feeling this way, I even went out and picked a few magnolias from our bursting tree to bring them into my little snugly bubble of tea time and musings. 

However, as much as I long to dilly dally away the morning with fluttery thoughts, I have been hard at work and will continue to be for the next few months. RLM is preparing for a very big feature in April, and must prepare stock. As 2013 was such a good year for RLM, I realized that my stock was almost nil! So, with my fingers flitting away, with pricks and pokes, I am churning out some fun new pieces. And, dear readers, as you are my special and loved coterie, I am going to give you a preview. Ta-da!


This lovely will be available very soon, as will some others that I have hidden away. Meanwhile, I must get back to stitching and warming myself with tea. Stay cozy, my dear ones, and enjoy your weathery weekends! Until next time.